24/7 Prayer Room

We are excited to announce that we are opening a 24/7 prayer room for anyone to use beginning next week as part of Passover week.  The room is located in House of Refuge and will be open 24 hours a day 7 days with the goal of having someone in the room praying every hour of every day.  People can study, read Scripture, write poetry, worship, play instruments, dance, paint, pray, and intercede for others as God leads.   The prayer room is first and foremost a living room–a place where the Father waits for His children to come and climb into His arms and commune with Him.  By locking ourselves alone in a room with God, away from distractions, we are encountering His presence day after day and night after night, and learning to listen to the still, small voice of His spirit. The room is comfortable and quiet and filled with His presence.  We are looking for volunteers willing to sign up for regular hours to be in the prayer room.  

Why go to a prayer room: 

Sometimes we all need a place to go where we can get away from distractions in order to more clearly hear from the Lord.  A room saturated 24 hours a day with His presence opens up a line of intimacy between the Father and us and allows for creative encounters with God. Even Jesus pulled away at times to be with the Father. The great moves of God have always been preceded by people willing to pull away and pray. 

What to expect: 

The room is fully furnished with a couch and a desk area.  We have devotionals, study tools, paper and an easel. A bluetooth speaker is available for you to play music.  There is coffee and tea provided. A heater is there to help make it cozy for those who get cold easily.  We will provide you with access to a key to enter the building. 

What we need: 

We need volunteers willing to commit at least an hour or more a week to pray in the prayer room.  You will sign up for your time and be expected to show up at your time and take over from the person already there. What and how you pray is up to you and the Lord. 


Dave Ballard
to schedule a time